Sleep eluded me. I tossed and turned until the blankets tangled around my limbs. Tears I’d repressed since the prince left dampened my pillow.
So many emotions tore through me. I thought I might lose my mind. Well, the rest of it anyway.
The memory of his warm lips on mine made my heart flutter, but we’d never kiss again. Why did Eric’s revelations make everything hurt a hundred times more?
My experiences since I fell weren’t my real life. My family no longer existed. Death consumed them hundreds of years ago.
Bolin’s presence in the room across the hall kept me from making foolish decisions. He and Patrick steadied my breaking world.

My chest heaved as I repeated to myself, I can do this.
Love, hopes, and dreams didn’t matter. My purpose required savvy political maneuvering. How would Eric and I accomplish this? I knew nothing of the kingdoms beyond this estate and the cruel king keeping me captive.
I pulled the blankets over myself and tucked them tightly around me.
“Goddess,” I whispered, “If you’re real, I need you to explain how I’m supposed to do this.”
A gentle whisper sounded inside my mind. ‘I’m here. You just didn’t realize who spoke to you.’
I sucked in a breath. The voice in my head was the goddess?
“Why did you tell me to jump from the window and run?” I asked.
‘To reunite you with Eric and show you that time blips existed.’
All the questions I wanted to ask bubbled in my throat. Why did I abandon my family? Did my little one grow up? Can I return home? But all I said was, “Why?”
‘You foresaw two futures and chose this variation to create a better world for your descendants.’
My lips quavered. “And my child?”
‘She’s safe and loved.’
I had a daughter. More tears leaked onto my pillow. “I want to go back.”
‘Now? Or after the mission?’
“I have a choice?”
A new war erupted in my chest, but managed one more question. “Will I ever regain my memories?”
Prince Fernando
King Pitcairn and I negotiated the marital contract well into the night. We finally settled on taking Princess Diedre south to Astralind as my betrothed, along with three of her handmaidens and several of her favored bodyguards. I would prepare an elaborate celebration and he and the queen would join us with a representative of each clan.
Diedre’s sleeping arrangements ensured her innocence until we married, though I still feared she’d be too young then. I guaranteed her attendants’ protection as well.
The Northern Clans and Astralind swore aid if either region faced war, a beneficial addition to my realm’s alliances with Kerulen and Trestaine. Our standing with Lisaire and Damai weakened with their strengthened bond. My country’s relationship with the southernmost kingdom, Erinsundu, remained neutral.
We wrote and signed multiple documents. I collapsed into my bed, too exhausted to undress before sleeping.
Days later, I rode south with my bride-to-be, my men, and her entourage. Diedre appeared even younger in her normal clothing and lack of cosmetics. A betrothal bracelet dangled from her slender wrist, the violet amethysts sparkling against her fair skin. I helped her onto her horse as a show of devotion to our witnesses.
“Are you alright?” I asked as she adjusted herself in the saddle.
“Of course, My Prince,” she said in a soft tone.

I grasped her palm and admired the jewelry before catching her gaze. “Fernando,” I corrected gently.
A tiny smile played at the corners of her mouth before she echoed my name.
I beamed at her and patted her hand. A show for her father. Nausea sloshed through my stomach at her blatant youth.
Yet when we began our month-long journey, excitement raced through me. I proved my worthiness to my father’s crown.